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New Cairo
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
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List of Courses

History & Theories of Architecture

  • Course Code :
    ARC 221
  • Level :
  • Course Hours :
    3 Hours
  • Department :

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Area of Study :

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History & Theories of Architecture

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History & Theories of Architecture

Course outcomes:

a. Knowledge and Understanding:

1- Identify engineering material, classification, selection, properties and testing
2- Explain the principles and techniques of casting process
3- Explain the principles and different types of forming process
4- Explain the principles and different types of machining process
5- Explain the principles and different types of joining and inspection process
6- Identify the different aspect is affecting process selection

b. Intellectual Skills:

1- Apply a proper material to a certain product
2- Select a suitable manufacturing process to produce a certain product
3- Select alternative solutions according to different given constrains
4- Determine the important factors affecting material and process selection

c. Professional and Practical Skills:

1- Practice safely and accurately simple workshop hand tools
2- Distinguish safely and accurately workshop Equipment
3- Classify the required process selection factors

d. General and Transferable Skills:

1- Verify the technical report in oral seminar
2- Effectively manage tasks, time, and resources
3- Estimate as a part of a project team in building real case study.

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History & Theories of Architecture

Course topics and contents:

Topic No. of hours Lecture Tutorial/Practical
Introduction 4 1 1
Workshop Hand Tools 4 1 1
Properties of Material 4 1 1
Classification and Selection of Materials 4 1 1
Principle of Metals Casting 4 1 1
Casting Process 4 1 1
Principle of Metal Forming 4 1 1
Bulk Metal Forming 4 1 1
Sheet Metal Forming 4 1 1
Polymer Forming 4 1 1
Machining Fundamentals 4 1 1
Machining Processes 8 2 2
Joining of Metals 4 1 1
Quality Inspection and other Aspects Related to Manufacturing 4 1 1

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History & Theories of Architecture

Teaching And Learning Methodologies:

Teaching and learning methods
Interactive Lecture
Problem-based Learning
Experiential Learning

For further information :

History & Theories of Architecture

Course Assessment :

Methods of assessment Relative weight % Week No. Assess What
Assignment 5.00
Final Exam 40.00
Lab Exper. 5.00
Mid- Exam 1I 20.00
Mid- Exam I 20.00
Oral Exam 5.00
Quizzes 5.00

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History & Theories of Architecture


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