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New Cairo
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
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List of Courses

Architectural Design 7

  • Course Code :
    ARC 511
  • Level :
  • Course Hours :
    4.00 Hours
  • Department :
    Department of Architectural Engineering

Instructor information :

Area of Study :

The main aims of this course are to: • Enhance student's awareness of creative design process within a thematic context that is rich of identity, heritage, social characteristics and traditions. • Train student to apply architectural strategies for integrating new designs into existing contexts.

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Architectural Design 7

Visual relations of the group of buildings and their conformity with the general layout and context. The design should comprise major elements having wide structural spans. Provision for natural lighting and ventilation. Application of new technologies to enhance design concepts.

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Architectural Design 7

Course outcomes:

a. Knowledge and Understanding:

1- Define the design process as a particular set of sequential operations.
2- Define what is meant by design problem.
3- Distinguish different architectural rendering techniques.

b. Intellectual Skills:

1- Use analytical thinking methods to define design problems.
2- Use creative thinking methods to propose different design alternatives.
3- Evaluate design alternatives.

c. Professional and Practical Skills:

1- Design architectural projects in light of spatial and aesthetic requirements.
2- Apply creative concepts and methods to develop his/her design.
3- Create 3D sketches to express and develop his/her design.
4- Use proper presentation techniques to represent his/her final design proposal.
5- Build simple physical study models

d. General and Transferable Skills:

1- Express his/her ideas by visual, graphic, written and verbal means
2- Discuss and defend his/her ideas.
3- Manage time and meet deadlines.
4- Search for relevant information.

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Architectural Design 7

Course topics and contents:

Topic No. of hours Lecture Tutorial/Practical
Projects data collection, site visits and data review 24 6 18
Data Analysis 16 4 12
Two pre-presentations of research work 32 8 24
Development and follow up 8 2 6
Development and follow up 8 2 6
Development and follow up 8 2 6
Final presentation, finishing and representation of researches 8 2 6
Final presentation, finishing and representation of researches 8 2 6
Final presentation, finishing and representation of researches 8 2 6

For further information :

Architectural Design 7

Teaching And Learning Methodologies:

Teaching and learning methods
One to One Discussion
Small Groups Discussion
Public Group Discussion
Physical Maquette
Search for Data (Self-study)
Research Presentation
Sketch Designs

For further information :

Architectural Design 7

Course Assessment :

Methods of assessment Relative weight % Week No. Assess What
Final exam 40.00
Homework assignments 20.00
Mid-term submission(s) 20.00
Participation 10.00
Sketch design 10.00

For further information :

Architectural Design 7


Book Author Publisher

Course notes :

No course notes are required

Recommended books :

- Form – Space and Order. By Francis D.K. Ching - Architectural Graphic Standards .By Ramsey, C.; Ray, J. & Hoke, Jr. - Neufert, E.: Architects’ Data; The Handbook of Building Types . By The Alden Group Ltd. - Time Saver Standards for Architectural Design . By Chiara, J.

Periodicals :

•Architecture •Architectural Record •Architectural Review •Architecture d’aujourdhui

Web Sites :

•www.architecturalrecord.com •www.greatbuildings.com

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