- Course Code :
SCM 442
- Level :
- Course Hours :
- Department :
Department of Architectural Engineering
Instructor information :
Area of Study :
The Main Goals of this course are:
To enhance the students' knowledge about:
a. The nature of ground soil to be used as a founded material for structures.
b. Applications of laws of mechanics and hydraulics to soil engineering problems.
To make the students able to:
a. Estimate the bearing capacity of soil based on its shear strength and settlement
b. Design principles for foundations of the building based on th Egyptian
geotechnical code of practice.
For further information :
Soil Characteristics and Mechanics, Preliminarily definitions and Relationships, Soil
Properties and Classifications, Stress in Soil and Soil Compressibility, Theory of
Consolidation and Settlement, Shear Strength of Soil, Compaction of Soil, Lateral Earth
Pressure and Retaining Walls, Site Investigation and Selection of Foundation, Bearing
Capacity of Soil, Types of Foundation and Design Principles of Foundations.
For further information :
Course notes :
Course notes are required.
Recommended books :
1. Text Book:
Principles of Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering - Lecture Notes , Bahr M.A., Al
Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
2. Students Lecture Notes
3. Handouts
4. Recommended Readings:
a) Das, B. M.; Principles of Geotechnical Engineering, MA02116-4324.
b) Das, B.M.; Principles of Foundation Engineering, CA 93950.
c) Egyptian Geotechnical Code of Practice- 2nd Renewal (2002).
Periodicals :
Web Sites :
For further information :