- Course Code :
MTH 312
- Level :
- Course Hours :
- Department :
Department of Electrical Engineering
Instructor information :
Area of Study :
Demonstrate a conscious understanding of the concepts of mathematical expressions of statistical Science
Develop students’ mathematical skills for basic inferential statistical studies.
Acquire skills for the application of statistic methods to the solution of electrical engineering problems.
For further information :
Descriptive statistics and data analysis, Introduction to probability theory, conditional probability, Bayes theorem, Random variables and probability distribution, Discrete and continuous random variables, Mathematical expectation of random variables and some special expectation, Some discrete probability distribution (Binomial and poisson). Some continuous distribution (Normal distribution, t-distribution), Introduction to estimation and tests of hypothesis. Correlation analysis, applied statistics.
For further information :
Course notes :
Recommended books :
• WARREN S. WRIGHT, DENNIS G. ZILL, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics “, Jones &Bartlett Learning Publisher Fifth Edition.
• EARL W. SWOKOWSKI, “Calculus with Analytic Geometry”, PWS Publishers, alternate Edition, 1983.
For further information :