- Course Code :
COM 411
- Level :
- Course Hours :
- Department :
Department of Electrical Engineering
Instructor information :
Area of Study :
Develop the students' knowledge about communication theory.
Develop the students' knowledge about the function of each basic element of analog
communication system and its fundamental limits.
Prepare students to analyze, design and/or evaluate communication schemes.
Train students to perform basic experiments on communication systems & sub-systems.
For further information :
History of communication, Communication systems: block diagram, transmission media, frequency bands, fundamental limits, Shannon, s equation, linear and nonlinear distortion, noise (internal and external noise sources). Energy and power spectral densities. Amplitude modulation (conventional AM, SSB, DSB and VSB) and demodulation, Angle modulation and demodulation (PM and FM), Automatic gain control, Automatic frequency control, FDM Systems, Broadcast transmitters and receivers (AM SSB and FM) and circuits (Detectors, Mixers, Automatic gain control, Automatic frequency control, Phase-locked-loop, Applications of class C RF power amplifiers: limiters, harmonic generators and amplitude modulators, FM stereo broadcast transmitters and receivers
For further information :