Future University In Egypt (FUE)
Future University is one of most promising private universities in Egypt. Through excellence in teaching, research and service, Future University strives to provide a comprehensive, high-quality education that prepares our graduates to be future leaders.
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Faculty of Engineering & Technology
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Underwater robotics technology in Egypt form Dreams to Reality

Underwater robotics technology in Egypt form Dreams to Reality

Underwater robotics technology in Egypt form Dreams to Reality The IEEE student branch in Future University in Egypt organized a webinar on 11/10/2020 on the underwater robotics. The webinar entitled “Underwater robotics technology in Egypt form Dreams to Reality” and presented by Prof. Ahmed El Shenawy, the associate professor in Electric and Control engineering, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport. Dr. Ahmed specialized in Autonomous Mobile Vehicles and he is the Dean of Regional Informatics Center, Head of Underwater Robotics Technologies Center, Co-founder of Underwater Challenges in Egypt, and Manager of MATE II ROV Egypt Regional ROV Competition.

The Webinar contained the following topics:
- History of ROV (Remotely Operated underwater Vehicle) in Egypt.
- History of ROV Competitions in Egypt.
- Success Stories.
- Training and Education.
- Underwater Technologies Center.

Underwater robotics technology in Egypt form Dreams to Reality

Underwater robotics technology in Egypt form Dreams to Reality

The IEEE student branch in Future University in Egypt organized a webinar on on the underwater robotics Underwater robotics technology in Egypt form Dreams to RealityThe IEEE student branch in Future University in Egypt organized a webinar on on the underwater robotics The webinar entitled Underwater robotics technology in Egypt form Dreams to Reality and presented by Prof Ahmed El Shenawy the associate professor in Electric and Control engineering Arab Academy for Science Technology and Maritime TransportDr Ahmed specialized in Autonomous Mobile Vehicles and he is the Dean of Regional Informatics Center Head of Underwater Robotics Technologies Center Cofounder of Underwater Challenges in Egypt and Manager of MATE II ROV Egypt Regional ROV CompetitionThe Webinar contained the following topics History of ROV Remotely Operated underwater Vehicle in Egypt History of ROV Competitions in Egypt Success Stories Training and Education Underwater Technologies Center FUE

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