Future University In Egypt (FUE)
Future University is one of most promising private universities in Egypt. Through excellence in teaching, research and service, Future University strives to provide a comprehensive, high-quality education that prepares our graduates to be future leaders.
Altagamoa Al Khames, Main centre of town, end of 90th Street
New Cairo
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
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Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Petroleum Engineering students visited the main fields of Qarun Petroleum Company in a scientific field trip.

Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Petroleum Engineering students visited the main fields of Qarun Petroleum Company in a scientific field trip.

Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Petroleum Engineering students visited the main fields of Qarun Petroleum Company in a scientific field trip. As part of the fruitful cooperation between Qarun Petroleum Company and Future University in Egypt and according to the external training programs for university students, the main fields of Qarun Petroleum Company hosted a group of students from Petroleum Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Future University on a scientific trip. Where the Fields Department submitted a comprehensive presentation for all activities of the fields, after which the production sites and oil wells were visited, with a strong focus on the application of standards of occupational Health, Saengineeringy and Environmental protection (HSE).
At the end of the visit, students have praised this field trip and thanked FUE Management and Qarun Company for providing them with this wonderful opportunity.

Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Petroleum Engineering students visited the main fields of Qarun Petroleum Company in a scientific field trip.

Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Petroleum Engineering students visited the main fields of Qarun Petroleum Company in a scientific field trip.

Faculty of Engineering Technology Petroleum Engineering students visited the main fields of Qarun Petroleum Company in a scientific field trip Faculty of Engineering Technology Petroleum Engineering students visited the main fields of Qarun Petroleum Company in a scientific field tripAs part of the fruitful cooperation between Qarun Petroleum Company and Future University in Egypt and according to the external training programs for university students the main fields of Qarun Petroleum Company hosted a group of students from Petroleum Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering and Technology Future University on a scientific trip Where the Fields Department submitted a comprehensive presentation for all activities of the fields after which the production sites and oil wells were visited with a strong focus on the application of standards of occupational Health Safety and Environmental protection HSE At the end of the visit students have praised this field trip and thanked FUE Management and Qarun Company for providing them with this wonderful opportunity FUE

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