Future University In Egypt (FUE)
Future University is one of most promising private universities in Egypt. Through excellence in teaching, research and service, Future University strives to provide a comprehensive, high-quality education that prepares our graduates to be future leaders.
Altagamoa Al Khames, Main centre of town, end of 90th Street
New Cairo
Faculty of Engineering & Technology
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Future University Sponsors the 3rd international conference on advanced technologies & humanities (ICATH 2021)

Future University Sponsors the 3rd international conference on advanced technologies & humanities (ICATH 2021)

Future University Sponsors the 3rd international conference on advanced technologies & humanities (ICATH 2021) - The Future University has been selected as the Academic Sponsor and Partner of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Humanities (ICATH 2021) to be held in Rabat, Morocco, on November 26-27th, 2021. The General Chair of this international is Prof. Ayman S. Mosallam of the University of California, who is also an Honorary Professor at FUE.
- As an academic partner, the registration fees for all students of FUE is waived. The conference is a hybrid meeting allowing participation either in-person or on-line.
- FUE are eligible to submit their projects for international competition that will take place during the conference in different aspects of Engineering & Humanities.
- The conference website is: https://icath-conf.org/index.php

3rd international conference on advanced technologies & humanities (ICATH 2021)

Future University Sponsors the 3rd international conference on advanced technologies & humanities (ICATH 2021)

Future University Sponsors the 3rd international conference on advanced technologies & humanities (ICATH 2021)

The Future University has been selected as the Academic Sponsor and Partner of the rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies Humanities ICATH Future University Sponsors the rd international conference on advanced technologies humanities ICATH The Future University has been selected as the Academic Sponsor and Partner of the rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies Humanities ICATH to be held in Rabat Morocco on November th The General Chair of this international is Prof Ayman S Mosallam of the University of California who is also an Honorary Professor at FUE As an academic partner the registration fees for all students of FUE is waived The conference is a hybrid meeting allowing participation either inperson or online FUE are eligible to submit their projects for international competition that will take place during the conference in different aspects of Engineering Humanities The conference website is httpsicathconforgindexphprd international conference on advanced technologies humanities ICATH FUE

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