A- Knowledge and Understanding:
By the end of this program the graduates of the program should be able to demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of:
Mathematics including differential and integral calculus, algebra and analytical geometry, differential equations, numerical analysis, complex & special functions, statistics and their applications on signal analysis.
Basic science including classical and advanced physics, mechanics and chemistry.
Basics of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and communication systems.
Topics related to humanitarian interests and general knowledge.
Principles of Business, management and legislations relevant to electrical engineering.
Quality assurance systems, codes of practice and standards, health and saengineeringy requirements.
Technical language and report writing.
Contemporary electrical power engineering topics.
Professional ethics and impacts of engineering solutions on society and environment.
Topics from other engineering disciplines including engineering graphics, building construction, surveying, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics.
Fundamentals of electrical engineering including DC/AC electrical circuits, electronic devices and circuits, electromagnetic fields, signal analysis, and electrical and electronic instrumentation.
Principles, theories and techniques in the field of logic circuit design, digital circuits and systems, computer organization, microprocessors and programmable logic controllers (PLC).
Principles, theories, and techniques of classical and modern control systems.
Construction, theory of operation, equivalent circuit, and performance of DC machines, transformers, synchronous machines, and induction machines.
Fundamentals of high voltage, power system planning, power system operation and control, power system protection, renewable energy systems, and power system stability.
Principles, construction and applications of electric power components including overhead lines, underground cables, insulators, switchgear, relays and instrument transformers.
Theories, mathematical models, and techniques necessary for analyzing the power system under both normal and fault conditions.
Electrical characteristics of power electronic devices, operation of power electronic converters, and control methods of electric drives systems.
Design methods and tools for electrical power and machines equipment and systems.
B- Intellectual Skills:
By the end of this program the graduates of the program should be able to:
Apply mathematics and physics knowledge to solve engineering problems.
Develop and implement simple computer programs for engineering applications.
Think in a creative and innovative way in problem solving and design.
Apply different theories and techniques to analyze DC/AC circuits.
Apply knowledge of solid state physics and electronic components on electronic circuit analysis.
Analyze and design logic circuits, digital circuits, computer and microprocessor systems and PLC's.
Apply different theories and techniques to solve problems of classical and modern control systems.
Apply knowledge of electromagnetic fields to solve and analyze related problems.
Apply knowledge of DC machines, transformers, synchronous machines, and induction machines to solve and analyze related problems.
Select appropriate mathematical and/or computer-based methods for analyzing: power transmission and distribution, load flow, and economic dispatch
Select appropriate mathematical and/or computer-based methods for analyzing short circuit, angle and voltage stability.
Plan and design transmission systems and protection schemes for power systems.
Examine the operation of power electronic converters and electric drives systems.
Develop innovative solutions considering incorporate economic, environmental dimensions and risk management in the design of practical industrial problems.
C- Professional and Practical Skills:
By the end of this program the graduates of the program should be able to:
Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, information technology, design, business context and engineering practice integrally to solve engineering problems.
Professionally merge the engineering knowledge and skills to design a process, component or system related to electrical engineering.
Use computational facilities and techniques, measuring instruments, workshops and laboratory equipment to design experiments, collect, analyze and interpret results.
Use a wide range of analytical tools, techniques, equipment, and software packages pertaining to the discipline and develop required computer programs.
Practice the techniques of graphical communications for constructing engineering graphics.
Apply safe systems at work and observe the appropriate steps to manage risks.
Apply quality assurance and follow the appropriate codes and standards.
Prepare and present technical report.
Apply project management skills and Exchange knowledge and skills with engineering community.
Perform experiments, collect, analyze and interpret results of DC/AC circuits, electronic components and circuits, and electrical and electronic instruments.
Implement and troubleshoot electronic circuits, digital circuits and microprocessor-based applications.
Integrate electrical, electronic and mechanical components with transducers, actuators and controllers in computer controlled systems.
Perform experiments, collect, analyze and interpret results of performance of DC machines, transformers, synchronous machines, and induction machines.
Perform experiments to evaluate the performance of transmission systems and protective relays.
Perform experiments related to power electronic converters and electric drives systems.
Apply modern techniques, skills and numerical modeling methods to electrical power engineering.
D- General and transferable skills:
By the end of this program the graduates of the program should be able to:
Collaborate effectively within multidisciplinary team.
Work in stressful environment and within constraints.
Communicate effectively.
Demonstrate efficient IT capabilities.
Lead and motivate individuals.
Effectively manage tasks, time, and resources.
Search for information and engage in life-long self learning discipline.
Acquire entrepreneurial skills.
Refer to relevant literatures.